Um blogue apresentado a duas vozes, duas mulheres, que partilham o palco e amantes do desporto.. duas duronas, guerreiras.. é assim que gostamos de nos intitular!
Look like a diva, train like a beast! :D
Vamos focar-nos essencialmente em nós, em dar a conhecer o nosso estilo de vida, escolhas, motivações, superações.
Quando pensámos em criar o blogue foi a pensar no
que ainda estava em falta neste meio e como nos podíamos destacar e daí nasceu o Diamonds Fitness Girls, um projecto diferente, falado e escrito por duas atletas.
Querem saber mais sobre
nós, é só seguir o blogue, teremos novidades todos os dias.
Cláudia Furtado, 38 anos, desde os 6 anos que pratico
desporto, como federada no Sporting
Clube de Portugal em ginástica rítmica onde fazia vários saraus, mais
tarde na Federação Nacional de Motociclismo, praticante e competindo na modalidade de quads.
O gosto pelo ginásio e pelo ferro veio pelos meus 19/20 anos
quando me preparava para ingressar na Força Aérea Portuguesa e precisava
ultrapassar alguns obstáculos e com a ajuda da musculação consegui superá-los.
De há 2 anos para cá, treino mais afincadamente e comecei a
pensar que toda a dedicação e esforço
tinha que ter um propósito, um objectivo
e foi em meados de Abril de 2015 que resolvi
passar ao próximo nível, competir.
Foi com a ajuda do meu preparador na altura que entrei na minha primeira competição, na PowerExpo na Maia, numa nova categoria Miss Tattoo Physique, onde os critérios de avaliação são as tatuagens em conjunto com a forma física , atitude
e beleza, tendo alcançado o 1º lugar.
Seguiu-se em Novembro a Taça Carlos Rebolo, onde competi
também pela primeira vez numa nova categoria, Masters (mais de 35 anos) Bikini Fitness, alcançando o 9º lugar e na categoria Bikini Fitness mais de 1,63m alcançando o 8° lugar.
O bom nestas provas é saber tirar proveito e absorver o
que nos rodeia e ver os pontos a melhorar, e a destacar.
Actualmente preparo-me para as competições de 2016, acompanhada pela Team Shaped Body e Fitness, onde durante toda a preparação são avaliados os pontos a melhorar,
o que mudar,as poses e é feito todo um acompanhamento de treino, alimentação e suplementação. É muito importante termos um apoio constante durante toda a preparação.
Luzia Leitão, 40 anos, pratico desporto desde os 5 anos de idade, onde fiz parte da equipa de ginástica acrobática do Sporting Clube de Portugal.
Sempre com o gosto pelo desporto continuei mas mais na vertente fitness, praticando aulas de grupo durante muitos anos, entre aeróbica, step, body pump e body combat.
Embora gostasse muito desta vertente, sempre achei que faltava mais qualquer coisa, e foi quando comecei a treinar musculação e a puxar ferro, e aí sim, senti-me realmente preenchida, era de facto o que me faltava, a motivação, o levar-me a mim própria ao limite, a superação pessoal, o perceber de quanto era capaz de dar de mim sem limites.
Recebi o convite do meu presente preparador para ir competir e representar o melhor ginásio do mundo, Mr. Big Evolution, aceitei o desafio, mais uma superação pessoal a que me propus , a minha primeira competição, a Taça Carlos Rebolo, onde competi na categoria de Masters Bikini Fitness, conseguindo o 8º lugar, conseguindo provar a mim mesma o quanto vale a pena lutar pelos nossos sonhos quando se tem força de vontade, determinação, disciplina e acima de tudo, espírito de sacrifício.
A reter desta experiência, o que alcancei, o que vivi, o que conquistei, o que aprendi, e tirar partido de toda essa aprendizagem, para fazer cada vez melhor!
A blog presented in two voices, two women who share the stage and sports lovers .. two hard, warrior .. that's how we like to entitle!
Look like a diva, train like a beast! : D
We will focus mainly on us, get to know our lifestyle choices, motivations, overruns.
When we thought of creating the blog was thinking about what was still missing this means and how we could highlight and hence was born the Diamonds Fitness Girls, a different project, written and spoken by two athletes.
Want to know more about us, just follow the blog, we will have news every day.
Claudia Furtado, 38, from 6 years practicing sports such as federated at Sporting Clube de Portugal in rhythmic gymnastics which was several evenings later at the National Motorcycle Federation, practicing and competing in the quad mode.
The taste for the gym and the iron came from my 19/20 years when I was preparing to join the Portuguese Air Force and had to overcome some obstacles and with the help of bodybuilding could overcome them.
For 2 years now, more training very hard and I began to think that all the dedication and effort had to have a purpose, a purpose and was in mid-April 2015 I decided to move to the next level, compete.
It was with the help of my coach at the time that I entered my first competition in PowerExpo in Maia, a new category Miss Tattoo Physique, where the evaluation criteria are the tattoos together with fitness, attitude and beauty, reaching the 1st place.
He followed in November to Carlos Cup Grinding Wheel, which competed also for the first time in a new category, Masters (over 35 years) Bikini Fitness, reaching the 9th place at the category Bikini Fitness over 1.63 m reaching the 8th place.
The good this evidence is to know to take advantage and absorb around us and see the areas for improvement, and highlight.
Currently I am preparing for the 2016 competitions, accompanied by Team Shaped Body and Fitness, where throughout the preparation are assessed points to improve, what to change, the poses and is made whole workout tracking, diet and supplementation. It is very important to have a constant support throughout the preparation.
Luzia Leitao, 40, practice sport since he was 5 years old, where I was part of acrobatics team of Sporting Clube de Portugal.
Always with a taste for the sport I continued but more in the shed fitness, practicing group classes for many years, including aerobics, step, body pump and body combat.
Although I enjoyed a lot this part always thought was missing something else, and that's when I started to train bodybuilding and pumping iron, and then yes, I was really satisfied, was in fact what I lacked the motivation, to bring myself to the limit, personal resilience, perceiving how much was able to give me limitless.
I received an invitation from my coach to go compete and represent the best gym in the world, Mr. Big Evolution, I accepted the challenge, more of a personal overcoming that I set out, my first competition, Carlos Rebolo Cup, where he competed in the category of Masters Bikini Fitness, achieving 8th place, managing to prove to myself how much worth fighting for our dreams when you have willpower, determination, discipline and above all, a spirit of sacrifice.
The retaining this experience, I have achieved, what I experienced, what I won, what I learned, and take advantage of all this learning to do better!
A blog presented in two voices, two women who share the stage and sports lovers .. two hard, warrior .. that's how we like to entitle!
Look like a diva, train like a beast! : D
We will focus mainly on us, get to know our lifestyle choices, motivations, overruns.
When we thought of creating the blog was thinking about what was still missing this means and how we could highlight and hence was born the Diamonds Fitness Girls, a different project, written and spoken by two athletes.
Want to know more about us, just follow the blog, we will have news every day.
Claudia Furtado, 38, from 6 years practicing sports such as federated at Sporting Clube de Portugal in rhythmic gymnastics which was several evenings later at the National Motorcycle Federation, practicing and competing in the quad mode.
The taste for the gym and the iron came from my 19/20 years when I was preparing to join the Portuguese Air Force and had to overcome some obstacles and with the help of bodybuilding could overcome them.
For 2 years now, more training very hard and I began to think that all the dedication and effort had to have a purpose, a purpose and was in mid-April 2015 I decided to move to the next level, compete.
It was with the help of my coach at the time that I entered my first competition in PowerExpo in Maia, a new category Miss Tattoo Physique, where the evaluation criteria are the tattoos together with fitness, attitude and beauty, reaching the 1st place.
He followed in November to Carlos Cup Grinding Wheel, which competed also for the first time in a new category, Masters (over 35 years) Bikini Fitness, reaching the 9th place at the category Bikini Fitness over 1.63 m reaching the 8th place.
The good this evidence is to know to take advantage and absorb around us and see the areas for improvement, and highlight.
Currently I am preparing for the 2016 competitions, accompanied by Team Shaped Body and Fitness, where throughout the preparation are assessed points to improve, what to change, the poses and is made whole workout tracking, diet and supplementation. It is very important to have a constant support throughout the preparation.
Luzia Leitao, 40, practice sport since he was 5 years old, where I was part of acrobatics team of Sporting Clube de Portugal.
Always with a taste for the sport I continued but more in the shed fitness, practicing group classes for many years, including aerobics, step, body pump and body combat.
Although I enjoyed a lot this part always thought was missing something else, and that's when I started to train bodybuilding and pumping iron, and then yes, I was really satisfied, was in fact what I lacked the motivation, to bring myself to the limit, personal resilience, perceiving how much was able to give me limitless.
I received an invitation from my coach to go compete and represent the best gym in the world, Mr. Big Evolution, I accepted the challenge, more of a personal overcoming that I set out, my first competition, Carlos Rebolo Cup, where he competed in the category of Masters Bikini Fitness, achieving 8th place, managing to prove to myself how much worth fighting for our dreams when you have willpower, determination, discipline and above all, a spirit of sacrifice.
The retaining this experience, I have achieved, what I experienced, what I won, what I learned, and take advantage of all this learning to do better!
muito em comum....guerreiras.Parabens.beijos